Beyond Xylella, Integrated Management Strategies for Mitigating Xylella fastidiosa impact in Europe (BeXyl)
In line with the conceptual approach of the new EU Plant Health Law, BeXyl has been conceived to strengthen the two pillars of plant protection: i) prevention and ii) control strategies for the priority quarantine pathogen Xylella fastidiosa (Xf). The workplan is designed to:
- assess the risk of new Xf outbreaks in the EU under changing climate (WP1)
- improve the methods for border inspections and surveillance for early detection (WP2)
- ensure the phytosanitary standards for the trade of plant propagation materials using non-chemical treatments (WP3)
- restore outbreak areas based on the strategies to improve host plant resistance (WP4) and
- disease management tools (i.e. Decision Support Systems and IPM protocols) in conventional and organic production (WP7) based on investigations for the control of insect vector populations (WP5) and innovative biological tools for Xf (WP6).
Outbreak management approaches will take fully into account the ecological and socioeconomic contexts for their adoption and implementation (WP8).
In line with the EU Green Deal for a transition to environmentally sustainable, healthy and resilient agriculture and forestry, BeXyl will support research, innovation and transfer of knowledge (WP9) for crisis preparedness to help to prevent new Xf outbreaks and further spread of currently infested areas, as well as to support agricultural/forestry sectors for remaining productive in outbreak areas.
Project Details
Project ID:101060593
Duration: 2022-2026
Funding: 30.052 €
Project website
Funding European Commission-HORIZON-CL6-2021-FARM2FORK-01