Additive manufacturing of bone scaffolds with antimicrobial properties (3D-BoneWhey)
3D-BoneWhey proposes a solution for two social problems: osteoporosis and antimicrobial resistance. This project thus aims to guarantee the lifelong health and well-being of people.
During the project we will develop a new composite material as osteogenic template (scaffold) for bone regeneration that combines:
- bone regeneration capacity
- high mechanical strength and
- antimicrobial capacity

The main innovation of 3D-BoneWhey project lies in:
- The proposed material. It is a new composite material made of a calcium phosphate, whey and a new inorganic antimicrobial glass. With this combination, it is expected to achieve a 3D structure with improved properties compared to commercially available alternatives.
- The consolidation temperature of the structure. A low sintering temperature (below 800 ºC) is required to consolidate the structure. This is of great environmental and economic benefit.
- The circular economy is favored with the use of whey, a by-product of cheese making, as raw material in the manufacture of the scaffolds.
Project Details
Project Code:PID2023-147490OB-I00
Duration:01/09/2024 – 31/12/2027
Budget: 125.000 €
IP CINN: Marta Suárez Menéndez
Research Team
The 3D-BoneWhey project is jointly executed by the MCAT group of INCAR-CSIC and the Multifunctional Nanostructured Materials group of CINN-CSIC.
Funded by: MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033