Microbiological Studies Scientific head: Dra. Belén Cabal
The Lab staff is specialized in unconventional areas of microbiology such as antimicrobial efficacy studies of surfaces, medical devices, plastics, fibers and fabrics, among others. It also performs analysis of antimicrobial preservatives used in cosmetics, paints and food.
The CINN laboratory is a Biosafety Level 2 (BSL-2) lab full equipped with the instrumental required to carry out a wide variety of standardized antimicrobial tests used in industry (type III biosafety cabinets, incubators, ovens…).

Services Offered
We can perform the following standardized antimicrobial tests:
- ASTM E2149 Standard Test Method for Determining the Antimicrobial Activity of Antimicrobial Agents Under Dynamic Contact Conditions.
- ISO 22196 Measurement of antibacterial activity on plastics and other non-porous surfaces.
- ISO 20743 Textiles – Determination of antibacterial activity of antibacterial finished products.
- ASTM D2574 Standard Test Method for Resistance of Emulsion Paints in the Container to Attack by Microorganisms.
- ISO 20645 Textile fabrics – Determination of antibacterial activity – Agar diffusion plate test.
We can also perform antimicrobial efficacy tests adapted to the particular needs of new products in a development stage, especially when standardized tests are inadequate to demonstrate its effectiveness.
To request any of the services, please download and fill in the Application Form and send it to the following email address (b.cabal@cinn.es). We will contact you as soon as possible.