Research group on synthesis, preparation and characterization of multifunctional materials
Project objectives by application field:
Health: Design of biofunctional materials with longer lifetime for organs regeneration and replacement.
Antimicrobial materials: New inorganic antimicrobial materials that do not develop resistances, of application in biomedicine, environment, agriculture, industry, etc.
Big Science: Synthesis and processing of multifunctional materials for the manufacture of critical components working under extreme conditions for European mega-research infrastructures, as well as their joining in the form of complex components.
Industry: Synthesis and processing of multifunctional materials, such as ultra-hard nanocomposites for cutting and drilling tools, and ultra-stable materials for lithography components in the extreme UV.
Information and Communication Technologies: Research in graphene-based nanoelectronics, functional materials for electromagnetic applications, dielectric resonators, wireless energy transport, metamaterials, etc.
Project Details
Project Code: IDI/2018/000232
Duration: 01/01/2018-31/12/2020
Funding: 143.375,00 €