Operational Group: Definition of strategies for the reduction of microbial contamination in meat products
The main objective of this Operational Group is to define possible strategies to modify the materials currently used in the meat industry, giving them bacteriostatic and / or biofilm growth inhibition properties. To this end, potential active antimicrobial materials will be evaluated and their integration in some of the materials usually present in the industry (stainless steel and Teflon-type polymers) will be studied.
The aim of the project is to reduce the risks of bacterial contamination existing in the meat industry and increase the shelf life of the products.
Project Details
Call: 2018 National Rural Development Programme
Poject Call: 20180020007169
Duration: 2018
Funding: 49.779,42 €
Patners: ASINCAR (Coordinador), Betelgeux S.L, Nanoker Research SL, CINN
Collaborator: ANICE (Spanish National Association of Meat Industries)
Funding : Action co-funded by the EAFRD (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development) (53%) and by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (47%)