The CSIC through the Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Research Centre (CINN) and the Institute for Sustainable Agriculture (IAS) collaborates with the company Industrias Químicas del Vallés, S.A. (IQV) in the development of a new inorganic material that acts as a copper ion dispenser and can be applied for phytosanitary purposes.
CDTI funds the project within the call for Cervera Technology Transfer R&D Projects, whose objective is to strengthen the innovation capabilities of SMEs and mid-cap companies, by contracting R&D activities to knowledge-generating centres in one of the ‘Cervera’ priority technologies.
Project Details
Duration: 2024-2027
Budget: 509.136 €
IP CINN: Belén Cabal Álvarez
Funding Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación (CDTI) e Industrias Químicas del Vallés S.A