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Museum "3D WORLD"

The CINN implements 3D technologies such as 3D Scanning, Holography, RTI (Reflectance Transformation Imaging) or photogrammetry in Spanish museums to obtain high resolution 3D files that can be used as security element and dissemination of heritage.

Deep Field Holography of Santa Cristina de Lena (Asturian Pre-romanesque)

Located at the headquarters of the CINN in El Entrego, the museum has 3 spaces:

  • Audiovisual area and interactive TV screens

    The visitor will learn the fundamentals of light and holography, and interact with a touchscreen to observe in all its splendor pieces of incalculable value of the Asturian and national heritage digitized using photogrammetry techniques.

  • Artistic holography

    This exhibition features some of the most iconic pieces by holographic artists.

  • Holography applied to heritage

    This space collects some of the works that the optics research group of the CINN has carried out in museums throughout Spain using different holographic technologies. You can admire some of the most emblematic icons of our heritage.


The museum is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Access is free.

Visits start at 11:00 and last approximately 1 hour.

Due to the health crisis caused by the SAR-CoV-2 visits will be limited to groups of a maximum of 6 people who must come with a protective mask and follow the instructions of the guide.

To make reservations it is necessary to send an email indicating the date of visit and the number of visitors to the following address:

3D interactive models

Warrior of the double armor

Half of the 5th century B.C.

Image of warrior with circular shield or caetra. Belonging to the end of the archaic Greek sculpture and beginning of the classical period.

Porcuna deposit, Jaén.
Jaén Museum.

Lady of Elche

V-IV century BC.

Iconic piece of Iberian Spanish art, with a clear influence of Greek art in its manufacture.

Site of La Alcudia, Elche, Alicante.
National Archaeological Museum / MAN.

Tenser of Terracota

With a Pheno-Punic influence, it could represent the goddess Demeter-kore, or the Punic Tanit. Because of its decorative elements it could be dated in the period of the lll or lV a.C. The pebeteros, are strong-drinking vessels, where scented resins or plants were burned, related to the religious and Punic world. We can find stylistic parallels to this piece all along the Levantine coast.

Pyxis of Zamora

Ivory piece made in a single piece with hinge and brooch of snow silver. This delicate carving of floral themes, pavones, gazelles and other birds covers its entire surface. Made in 964 A.D. by Durri-Al-Salir was a present from Caliph AL-Hakam ll to his favorite Subh

Lady of Galera

Alabaster figure discovered in Galera, Granada. The Lady appeared in the Iberian necropolis of Tutugi. It is a Phoenician figurine of the fifth century B.C. It probably represents the goddess Astarte. It shows the Mesopotamian stylistic influence and also an Egyptian in her suit and hair.

Agate Casket

Piece donated in 910 a.c by the infant of Asturias Fruela, son of Alfonso lll el Magno, to the cathedral of San Salvador (Oviedo). It is a rectangular cypress casket covered with embossed gold sheets and adorned with floral themes. 3 mm thick Agate plates are located in its 99 openings of half-point horseshoe arches. Its base is made of solid silver, where the four evangelists and a representation of the Victory cross (made 2 years before) are represented. The top end plate could be a free belt of the Vlll century or a Carolingian reliquary brooch of that date.

Museum “3D WORLD”