
Scalable spin squeezing in a dipolar Rydberg atom array
Revista: Nature (2023) Autores: Guillaume Bornet, Gabriel Emperauger, Cheng Chen, Bingtian Ye, Maxwell Block, Marcus Bintz, Jamie A. Boyd, Daniel Barredo, Tommaso Comparin, Fabio Mezzacapo, Tommaso Roscilde, Thierry Lahaye, Norman Y. Yao & Antoine Browaeys Factor de Impacto: 64,8 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06414-9

Nuevas nanoestructuras magnéticas mediante impresión 3D
Un equipo de investigadores entre los que se encuentra el científico de la Universidad de Oviedo y de la Universidad de Oviedo Aurelio Hierro-Rodríguez ha obtenido por primera vez nanoestructuras 3D magnéticas con estados topológicos complejos que se propagan al campo externo que estas generan. Este hallazgo abre el camino a nuevas aplicaciones en computación […]

Development of New 14 Cr ODS Steels by Using New Oxides Formers and B as an Inhibitor of the Grain Growth
Publication Details Journal: Metals 2020, 10, 1344 Authors:Alberto Meza, Eric Macía, Andrea García-Junceda, Luis Antonio Díaz, Paul Chekhonin, Eberhard Altstadt, Marta Serrano, María Eugenia Rabanal, Mónica Campos Impact Factor: 2,117 Abstract In this research, four ODS steels were produced through the addition of a nano complex oxide (Y-Ti-Zr-O) and B. The ODS steels were successfully processed […]

Broad spectral tuning of ultra-low-loss polaritons in a van der Waals crystal by intercalation
Phonon polaritons—light coupled to lattice vibrations—in polar van der Waals crystals are promising candidates for controlling the flow of energy on the nanoscale due to their strong field confinement, anisotropic propagation and ultra-long lifetime in the picosecond range. However, the lack of tunability of their narrow and material-specific spectral range—the Reststrahlen band—severely limits their technological […]